Relaunching with New Vision

“Thank you, AGTrust! The Acts 2 Journey scholarship gave Trinity Worship Center the ability to reinvent our church and relaunch with a fresh, new, God-inspired direction.”
Jeff and Tasha Fox have pastored Trinity Worship Center in Corpus Christi, Texas, since January 2021, and Tasha serves as the worship pastor. The church was founded in 1992.
Worship pastor at Trinity Worship Center (TWC) in Corpus Christi is Tasha Fox, who has had an exensive career in music education and serving as worship pastor at other churches.
Nestled on the Gulf Coast of South Texas, Corpus Christi is the eighth-largest city in the state, with a population of 320,000-plus.
“Our city has experienced steady growth over the past 10 years, and yet it has the relaxed feel and closeness of a small town,” Pastor Jeff says. “At Trinity Worship Center, we encourage people in the community to push spiritually to their next level, but often they like their spiritual status quo and lethargy.”
Youth Sunday School class at Trinity Worship Center
In an effort to help their congregation discover new vision, Pastor Jeff and his leadership team recently participated in an Acts 2 Journey (A2J) cohort conducted by the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God. An A2J cohort is a series of four weekend retreats over the course of a year for a pastor and leadership team to pray, dream, and strategize about the future of their church.
“The A2J experience forced me to do the deep work of seeking God and leading a team in the vision discovery and launching process,” Pastor Jeff says.
His leadership team included people from Trinity Worship Center who ranged in age and in church experience from seasoned board members to newer believers. Together, they went through a learning process of what it means to be an Acts 2 church (with the five functions of worship, connect, grow, serve and go) and how to die to past visions and watch God confirm the new vision.
Members of the Acts 2 Journey leadership team draft and discuss plans for their new vision statement: Helping People Move Forward.
The Acts 2 Journey training defines vision as the unique expression of Christ’s mission for the local church. Only a vision born of true passion and commitment can launch a new life cycle and begin to transform a church.
“At Trinity Worship Center, we formed the vision statement of ‘Helping People Move Forward,’” Pastor Jeff says. “It is based on the belief that everyone has a gift, talent, idea, or effort that can help direct others toward Christ, even if it is just offering a cup of cold water.
Children’s ministry at Trinity Worship Center
“The A2J gave us a solid two-year plan to help guide us to the desired outcomes. We feel the hand of the Lord on this vision and our corresponding efforts, and for the most part this new vision has created excitement among the congregation. We are committed to seeing people gain spiritual victory.
“The Acts 2 Journey instruction and resources will benefit our congregation for years to come, and we are truly thankful for this excellent training process.”
The Acts 2 Journey training defines vision as the unique expression of Christ’s mission for the local church to GO, and helps each church develop a 2-3-year plan to implement that vision.
Prior to pastoring Trinity Worship Center, Jeff and Tasha had served several years as associate pastors and worked with children’s and youth ministries. Jeff also had a 25-year career in education as a teacher and teacher coach. Tasha has a B.A. degree in music education and has had an extensive career in music education and has served churches as worship pastor and leader.
Trinity Worship Center in Corpus Christi, Texas, is one of 1,808 churches,
large and small, in 46 districts across the United States that
have taken the Acts 2 Journey. Your gift today to AGTrust
will help more churches take the Journey!