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MC2 Reaches 50+ People for Christ

Pastors Steve and Amber Jones

McCordsville Community Church (MC2)

McCordsville , Indiana

"We are eternally grateful for the generosity of the Assemblies of God Trust (AGTrust) partners and The Church Multiplication Network (CMN) in helping us to reach over 50 souls who have come into a relationship with their Creator! 

“Because of your Matching Funds, resources, and training opportunities, McCordsville Community Church (MC2) has the spiritual gear needed to run a spiritual marathon. Along the way we keep adding runners—some who have never run a race before, others who have grown weary, and everyone in-between. Every day our team gets larger and we could not have done it without you!”

Steve and Amber Jones had such a strong burden to start a church plant they were willing to leave everything familiar and comfortable and start again in a new place. They had 20 years of experience in pastoral ministry as campus, administrative, young adult, youth, and children’s pastors.

Family and friends join Pastors Steve and Amber Jones for the Grand Opening launch of McCordsville Community Church in McCordsville, Indiana, on Easter 2021.Total attendance was 175 guests.

“When you step out with no net beneath you,” Steve says, “God allows you to see Him meet your needs in ways you couldn’t, if you didn’t have to trust Him for everything.”

McCordsville, Indiana, is a fast-growing suburb of Indianapolis with a population nearing 9,000 people. The town is feeling the growth effects of being conveniently located near several thriving cities and towns and less than 10 minutes from I-70, I-69, I-465 and SR 234. 

McCordsville, Indiana, with a population nearing 9,000 people is a fast-growing suburb of Indianapolis.

When Steve and Amber shared their call to start a work in McCordsville, 40 people joined in support of their vision to “Create a place where we believe, value, and love God and people.” 

Professional engineers and craftsmen donated their time and talents to design, construct, and decorate McCordsville Community Church’s worship center in a strip mall, with the goal of having a Grand Opening launch service on Easter 2021. 

These volunteers were strangers to Steve and Amber, but they worked alongside them donating time, finances, labor, and materials because God had told them to. 

“When you hear others tell you stories like this, it sounds cool,” Pastor Steve says, “but when it happens to you, you weep with joy!  We are merely His laborers, and these times of great blessings are the memorials that tide us over during the times of struggle we face.”

Pastors Steve and Amber Jones (center) with their MC2 lead team

MEMORIAL 1. The church sanctuary seats 120 at capacity, and the total attendance was 175 for both services of the Grand Opening on Easter.

MEMORIAL 2. As the parents of four children, mid-teen to early 20s in age, reaching youth for Christ is close to the hearts of Steve and Amber.

“We have seen 38 salvations among young adults, ages 18-26, and over half of those had never attended church,” Pastor Steve says. “They have experienced salvation, purpose, and hope in Christ. While statistics tell us this age group is walking away from God and the church, this is not the case at MC2.”

One young man, Drew Legan, was invited to church by one of Steve and Amber’s sons. Drew took a cautious approach to his journey of faith, stating he didn’t want his decision to be an emotional one, but one that was truly deep and rational. Steve’s family consistently invited Drew to their home and welcomed him to be part of their life, regardless of his decision.

One Sunday morning at church, Drew came forward and said he was ready to make a commitment to serve God the rest of his life. Since then, he has been water baptized, completed growth track for new believers, and serves in the children’s ministry at MC2. Drew has been a catalyst for bringing other young adults who have experienced the life-changing decision to serve Christ.

Drew is one of 50-plus individuals who have accepted Christ at MC2, and he has been a catalyst in bringing other young adults to MC2 who have experienced life change in Christ.

MEMORIAL 3. “The encouragement and financial support of AGTrust and CMN spring-boarded our church to make a greater impact more quickly,” Pastor Steve says. “Thank you for being part of our journey, believing in us, and giving us the opportunity to provide gospel-centered preaching, demonstrate God’s love, and offer hope to people who do not know they need God and help them build their own memorial stones.

“We look forward to the time when MC2 can financially support AGTrust and CMN to help make other church plants experience these same blessings!”

YOUR GIFT TODAY will help AGTrust and CMN to plant and equip more healthy churches like McCordsville Community Church in McCordsville, Indiana. Currently, 639 new churches across America are reaching people for Christ today because of your support.

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