Grace Church: Focused on Living out Authentic Faith

Grace Church
Flat Rock, Michigan
"I want to say a big thank you for the Matching Funds provided by AGTrust, in partnership with the Church Multiplication Network. Without you, this dream could not be possible."
- Ryan Nissley, lead pastor
For pastors Ryan and Shayna Nissley, their dreams were realized when, on November 5, 2017, Grace Church opened its doors in the heart of Flat Rock, Michigan, at the local community center. Today, only eight months later, the church is averaging 200 people in weekly attendance.
Grace Church meets in the Flat Rock Community Center in Flat Rock, Michigan.
A congregation focused on living out authentic faith in their community, Grace Church is walking out their mission so that people will not only hear about God but will also encounter His loving presence.
After only eight months, Grace Church is averaging 200 people in weekly attendance.
"It is absolutely unbelievable," Ryan says. "We're thrilled with what the Holy Spirit is doing in people's lives as he changes them to be a reflection of Christ in our community."
In July, Grace Church hosted its second Picnic in the Park offering games and inflatables. During the event they also conducted a water baptismal service for new believers.
Ryan encourages other pastors: "If God is laying on your heart a vision to plant a church, use the resources God has made available through AGTrust and Church Multiplication Network to see that vision become a reality."
To date, 481 church planters across the United States have received Matching Funds, thanks to AGTrust in partnership with Church Multiplication Network.