Leaders Speak to the Importance of the Bible Engagement Project
National Youth Director
Assemblies of God
Springfield, Missouri
"When I heard General Superintendent Doug Clay say two years ago that the Assemblies of God was going to focus on Bible engagement, a sense of excitement leaped within me. I believe the same was true for all of those ministers who have committed their lives to biblical study and expository preaching.
"Our AG Fellowship has always focused on missions, Spirit empowerment, and the Word of God, but this renewed emphasis on the Bible reminds us that we start with Scripture. It is because of Scripture that the other two emphases find their place.
"One of the main reasons I love youth ministry is that many people's journey to God started there. Quite a few of our Assemblies of God credential holders today can trace their calling back to a youth camp or other youth events where God spoke to them powerfully, and they dedicated their lives to His service.
"I hope this curriculum will promote Bible engagement in our Assemblies of God Fellowship in every church at every age level. I also hope that we and those of every Fellowship, denomination, and Christian network will take a close look at the biblical view of who God is, what He desires for His people and the world, and what that means missionally for us as Christians."
National Director, Christian Education and Discipleship
Assemblies of God
Springfield, Missouri
"The Bible Engagement Project, which seeks to help people engage with the Bible and have a relationship with the God of the Word, is an integral part of discipleship. For Christ followers, the Bible is our core and foundation.
"The Christian Education and Discipleship office shares common goals with the Bible Engagement Project and we are partnering together to create a local church culture where people are highly engaged with Scripture and being discipled.
"Discipleship is a calling to follow Jesus. It is a lifelong, intentional, and strategic process for all ages and stages of life. Our office focuses on training Christian leaders and curating resources for spiritual formation within the local church. We explore ways that ministries can interconnect to serve churches and individuals, resource and equip local churches, and combine our efforts with other ministries to support the disciple-making process.
"When ministries work together to resource local churches, we are all bringing our giftedness to the table and engaging more people more effectively.
"My prayer is that discipleship will become strong in homes across America and around the world. That's why I love the Bible Engagement Project: it equips the whole family with age-aligned curriculum. They can discuss the same biblical passage throughout the week and make application to their individual stage in life."